Home News Zuriel Oduwole to speak at Social Good Summit in NYC during UNGA...

Zuriel Oduwole to speak at Social Good Summit in NYC during UNGA Week

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THUR, SEPT 06 2018-theG&BJournal-With less than 3 weeks to the annual United Nations General Assembly [UNGA] in New York City, scores of side events that would engage directly with world leaders, thought leaders and nongovernmental organizations are being finalized across the streets of New York.

The Mashable ‘Social Good” summit is one of such events. Set in a semi-formal atmosphere and attended by hundreds of youths and corporate decision makers from across the globe, the summit has been addressed in the past by UN Executive Directors, Film Makers, a US Vice President and leading youth voices over the last few years.

For the 2018 summit, filmmaker and girl education advocate Zuriel Oduwole has been invited to lend her steady but steely voice to enunciate the solutions to social development issues, especially on the Girls Education issue, for the Girls Social and Cultural emancipation steps needed to break their constant development challenge across parts of Africa and Asia. After addressing the COP23 gathering in Bonn – Germany in November 2017, she was made a Climate Neutral Now Champion by the UN.

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