…Addressed a diverse group of managers at a conference in New York
SAT, MARCH 16 2019-theG&BJournal-Sixteen year old American girl education advocate and film maker – Zuriel Oduwole, 16, continues to show what a little faith, a lot of audacity, complete focus, and a steel ‘small’ voice can accomplish, across the globe.

Sierra Leone, is the latest country to benefit from her support, on these initiatives. Zuriel, the phenomenal and inspirational young lady, believes all girls across the globe should be in school till at least the age of 18, so they have more options in life, and are not getting married young because of limited life options, or the resulting poverty from reduced opportunities.
At the on going UN #CSW63 in New York, she was invited to speak for or represent a few African governments on issues of gender equality, but specifically, a strong advocacy for girls education, and the prevention of girl marriage across the continent.
Earlier in the week, Zuriel addressed a diverse group of managers at a conference in New York, hosted and sponsored by the Sofitel Hotel in Manhattan. The senior managers were from the US, France, the UK, China, India and other Asian regions. It was an opportunity for them to learn about the power of simple communications and effective delivery, in a high pressure work environment.

To the delight of delegates, Zuriel who has met one-on-one with 30 world leaders, shared her experiences prior to, during, and from meeting with these Presidents and Prime Ministers from across 3 different continents. The delegates also saw a clip from the short documentary she made about Goree Island in Senegal, for Black History month last February.
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