Home Comments What your eating style says about your work habit

What your eating style says about your work habit

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

By Muna Onuzo

WED, JANUARY 11 2017-Who invented eating? Who determines what, where and when of a society’s behavior, norms and habits? How did food and the fine art of dining become an integral part of modern society? What has the way we eat got to do with our personality, and in turn, our style of work? These questions have been asked over numerous cups of tea and bottles of beverage and within academic halls. However, some questions might have varying answers depending on one’s point of view. Take for instance, the question of who invented eating? To my knowledge, God the Creator did, if we are to trace our roots back to the Adam and Eve of the Bible. Eating is one of the most natural activities in life. It is one of those life mysteries that are unexplainable, like the question “the chicken and the egg which came first?”

We must eat to survive. Eating has evolved through generations and civilizations. From the Paleolithic and Mesolithic age through the Neolithic age and on to today’s refined post-modern society. These periods show man’s journey from the Stone Age when stone was used as the hardest material for making tools. These tools were used by the people of that age to hunt for food.  The Mesolithic period started the transition primarily from a hunting race leading up to the beginning of agriculture, as we know it today. The Neolithic era leveraged on the inventions of the Mesolithic period to transform into today’s multi-faceted agriculture that encompasses animal husbandry, food processing and manufacturing. This geographical, climatic and economic transition did not only affect man’s survival. Man’s culture, habits, belief systems and a conscious awareness of the environment began to shift from a primary, rural existence to an industrial milieu.

Before modernism, man was primarily carnivorous. We lived off the land, hunted and ate whatever nature provided and we deemed edible. We did not care about how we looked or people’s perception of our eating patterns and habits. Neither did we stand on ceremony when eating. Mealtime was a time for the entire hearth to come together and feast unlike what we have in the modern day family. No one was expected to use cutlery to eat. The more barbaric the eating habits, the more satisfying the meal would seem. Pre-civilization Europeans are a typical example of this form of existence. However, with the changing landscape and the industrialization of society, man began to care about perceptions, appearances, character, personality and relationships. What an intriguing history of man’s metamorphosis!

This metamorphosis from a primary and barbaric existence to a more active and cultured reality has raised expectations for decorum in how society relates with each other and for professionalism within the work environment. It might come as a surprise that this expectation also involves something as mundane as how we eat. However, if an organization is looking to promote you into the C-suite or to liaise with international partners, it will be a plus for you to learn how your eating habits will be perceived. Knowledge is not power; applied knowledge is where the power lies. So, how do you eat?

There is a popular saying that how a man eats shows how he treats everything around him, especially women.


Those who slurp and gulp down their food (fast eaters), are said to be generally careless. On the flip side, fast eaters are classified as productive powerhouses and usually excel at finishing projects very quickly.


Persons who take time to savor their meals (the slow eaters), are said to be generally attentive and enjoy every experience encountered. The flip side here, however, is that such persons are said to be wed to routines and are usually stubborn.


Also, people who eat their food one at a time (they eat rice, then beans and then salad separately but never together on the same plate) are usually regarded as very calculating and tend to want answers up front. The flip side is that this personality type is less flexible when it comes to fitting into situations that deviate from what they are used to.


If they mix foods (that’s eat rice, beans and salad all on the same plate at once); it means they cannot make up their mind and are very idealistic. The flip side is that they can take on great responsibilities efficiently, but might have trouble deciding on priorities.

Well! Interesting, right? The feeling is understandable because the vast majority of people do not readily appreciate the correlation between the way we eat and our personality type.

Juliet A. Boghossian, a behavioral food expert and founder of Food-ology, a belief that eating styles are related to character traits, proposes this idea that we are not just “what we eat” as exhibited by the Paleolithic through Neolithic periods, but that “we are how we eat” as proposed by modernity.  After observing a connection between the way her dad ate and the way he acted, and after twenty years of additional study, she formulated this idea. According to Boghossian, “you cannot fake a food habit…eventually, the instincts will kick in, thus uncovering the “real” you”.

Have you ever wondered why employers or entrepreneurs always go for business lunch and dinner? The informal atmosphere helps create a relaxed environment, encouraging you to let your hair down and, unknowingly, let your real self out. In this relaxed atmosphere, it is very easy to forget that the lunch or dinner is not a social affair.

So, when next you are invited for a business lunch, remember that we currently exist within the postmodern society where appearances matter. Therefore, whenever you are eating in an environment that is not private, watch the way you eat, because others are forming an opinion about you based on “how you eat”.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Muna Onuzo is a professional/personal development coach. She helps Small businesses craft their strategy and business communication, equipping them for success. She is a brand strategist, career coach, business etiquette, international protocol and cross cultural consultant who believes that with wisdom, strength, focus and purpose, anyone can break through their personal limits to achieve greatness! She motivates the uninspired and fires up the inspired to live their dream.

Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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