Home Agriculture The Rockefeller Foundation announces 10 finalists for the food system vision prize

The Rockefeller Foundation announces 10 finalists for the food system vision prize

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

Top 10 Visions Lead the Way to a More Nourishing & Regenerative Food Future
SAT, AUG 22 2020-theG&BJournal– The Rockefeller Foundation, in partnership with SecondMuse and OpenIDEO, today announced the Top 10 Finalists for the Food System Vision Prize. These Finalists were selected from a pool of more than 1,300 applicants from 110 countries, all seeking to develop a Vision of the regenerative and nourishing food system that they aspire to create by the year 2050.
The Top 10 Finalists, whose visions focus on Kenya, Nigeria, Canada, China, India, the Netherlands, Peru, and the U.S., were chosen among 76 Semi-Finalists. They were selected based on their potential to inspire real, positive and bold transformation of a specific food system that is actionable, concrete and believed to be attainable by 2050. These Visions aim to tackle challenges tied to six themes: environment, diets, economics, culture, technology, and policy.
Among the top 10 finalists is Darkpore Media Africa LTD. Their vision for Lagos, Nigeria, Food Innovation Nervecenter identifies six key food challenges for the region, from food waste to aging farmers, and outlines a multi-faceted plan to build a more regenerative and nourishing food system.
The Food System Vision Prize was launched nearly a year ago as an invitation for organizations, institutions, companies, universities and governments across the globe to develop actionable solutions for the food systems of tomorrow. An esteemed panel of Judges, including food system leaders from across academia, civil society and the private sector, reviewed the Semi-Finalist submissions and selected the 10 Finalists.
“The inspiring Visions they have put forward paint a picture of a more hopeful future food system – one that is equitable, sustainable and can transform our planet and improve the diets and health of people across the globe,” said Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, President of The Rockefeller Foundation.
Other finalists include:
Restoring Nairobi to “A Place of Cool Waters”: This Vision for Nairobi, Kenya aims to develop a more equitable, just and sustainable urban space, where access to nutritious food is a reality for everyone [Lead Organization: African Population and Health Research Center].
7Gen Food System:  Led by the Sicangu Lakota people, this Vision for the Rosebud Indian Reservation of South Dakota, USA outlines a regenerative agricultural system that creates economic opportunities for tribal members; increases the accessibility of locally produced, nutrient-dense foods; and re-establishes the Lakota as primary stewards of the lands [Lead Organization: Sicangu Community Development Corporation].
Arakunomics: Focusing on the regions of Araku, Wardha, and New Delhi, India, this Vision empowers tribal communities and seeks to ensure environmental sustainability, fair profits for farmers, and food and nutrition security for all [Lead Organization: Naandi Foundation].
Eat Right: This Vision from New Delhi, India looks to create a national movement towards healthier diets through a systems-based approach of reducing food waste; improving hygiene and sanitation across the value chain; and increasing access to and affordability of healthy foods [Lead Organization: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India].
From Mama’s Kitchen to Metropolitan Beijing: This Vision from Beijing, China imagines a plant-based dietary transformation for the world’s most populous nation, contributing to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and pollution [Lead Organizations: Good Food Fund of the China Biodiversity Conservation & Green Development Foundation].
Kwayeskastasowin Wahkohtowin: Led by local First Nations communities, this Vision from Manitoba, Canada aims to create a just and sustainable agrifood system while addressing the process of decolonization and reconciliation between Indigenous and settler populations [Lead Organization: Natural Systems Agriculture Laboratory, University of Manitoba].
Lima 2035: This Vision for Lima, Peru imagines a regenerative and nourishing food oasis by 2035, with the aim of securing climate-resilient running water for all in Lima’s fragile desert environment [Lead Organization: International Potato Center].
Re-rooting the Dutch Food System – From More to Better: This Vision from the Netherlands outlines a transformed, circular Dutch food system that safeguards natural resources, promotes a healthier and more sustainable plant-based diet, and recycles unavoidable losses and wastes [Lead Organization: Wageningen University & Research].
Stone Barns Center: This Vision from the Hudson Valley in New York, U.S. seeks to bring about a new food culture—rooted in the ecological, nutritional and communal potential of organic agriculture—through groundbreaking culinary experimentation [Lead Organization: Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture].
“These Visions are a great example of the importance of—and opportunity for—innovation during a crisis. This is even more urgent given the severe stresses placed on food systems as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Roy Steiner, Senior Vice President of the Food Initiative at The Rockefeller Foundation. “We look forward to seeing how they move their ideas from Vision to action.”
In September, the Finalists will advance to a three-month virtual Accelerator phase during which they will receive support to further refine their Visions and find pathways for implementation and impact. The Accelerator will focus on stakeholder engagement, storytelling, communications, and action planning through virtual programming, one-on-one mentorship and customized support. Each Finalist is eligible to become a Top Visionary and to receive a prize of $200,000 USD. Top Visionaries will be announced in December 2020.
“Visions teams took a systems approach to include diverse voices while incorporating social and environmental priorities. These Finalists give us reason for optimism, offering exciting and tangible possibilities to transform food systems, from production to consumption, to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for people and our planet,” said Maria Balcazar Tellez, Program Manager and Food System Vision Prize Lead at SecondMuse.
“Systems change means going beyond a few organizations working in silos. This Prize supports Visions rooted in local communities, while building a global network for teams to connect, learn and gain inspiration from each other,” says Matt Ridenour, Food Portfolio Lead at OpenIDEO.
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Access Pensions, Future Shaping