Home Comments The National Housing Funds scheme; what Contributors must know (3)

The National Housing Funds scheme; what Contributors must know (3)

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

By Akhigbe Dominic.M. Esq.

TUE, FEBRUARY 21 2017-continued from last edition

  1. Where can I find the National Housing Funds scheme offices in Nigeria?

The National Housing Funds scheme offices are located basically in the state capital of every state. You may get specific addresses if you visit the Branch of Federal Mortgage Bank’s offices. You can also check out this on the internet or from the central bank directories.

  1. Can I operate my National Housing Funds scheme Account through my regular commercial Banks?

For those that are enrolled from their various places of work; you need not lose your sleep over this. You various organizations have a means o remitting your contributions to the National Housing Funds as at when due. However, if you are a private business person who is desirous of the scheme, you can do your processing first of all; have your NHF Account, then give your bank the mandate to debit your account in favour of your National Housing Funds scheme account periodically.

  1. Is the National Housing Funds scheme real?

The National Housing Funds scheme is for real. It was set up by the Federal Government of Nigeria as an interventionist outfit to bridge the Housing deficit in Nigeria. Particularly, it is expected to assist the medium and low income earners who would ordinarily not be able to achieve the dream of home ownership within their regular income capacity. For those that express serious doubt about the geniuses of the scheme, I can clear your doubt and assure you that it is real. At least, within my professional capacity, I have successfully assisted a number of Nigerians to realize their dreams of Home ownership through the National Housing Funds scheme.

I will however caution that just like every other subsector, there are also a large number of scammers who are taking advantage of unsuspecting Nigerians who desire to access the scheme. Some of these people come in the guise of Developers and all what not. I therefore advise the reading public to consult credible professionals who would not swindle them of their hard-earned income. You can also avail yourself of our various seminars and lectures where you are taught on the very many ways you can access the National Housing Funds scheme without hassles.

  1. What happens to my NHF Account if I change my job?

You open one National Housing Funds Account in your lifetime. When you move from one place of work to another; or you do a job change, you do not need to open another account. This is why it is necessary for you to acquaint yourself with your account details. All that is required of you is to furnish your new employers with your details and they take it up from there. You loose nothing in your NHF account when you change your job.

  1. What happens to my contribution if I move from salary job to personal business and I wish to continue?

As earlier stated, the National Housing Funds scheme is for both employed and private business persons. All that is required of you is to locate where your account is domiciled, notify them of your new status and your desire to continue with the scheme. You will be migrated.

  1. How long does it take to pay back the Housing Loan from Federal Mortgage Bank through NHF?

The National Housing Funds Loan is very conveniently arranged in such a manner that is suitable for your income level. An NHF Loan can be spread for as long as thirty (30) years at 6 % percent annually. This is the beauty of the scheme.

  1. Can I close my National Housing Funds scheme Account if I so desire?

You may close the Scheme Account if you so desire. You have to take several steps to effect this action. You would need to first of all crosscheck this with your employers before you take a step in this direction.

The above were some of the question and enquiries we received from our teaming readers. There are however, some questions that require some capacity building and lots more. I enjoin such readers to reach us through our emails or phone numbers so as to work out modalities for addressing such enquiries.

In our subsequent series, we would make frantic effort to address ‘HOW TO APPLY FOR THE HOUSING LOANTHROUGH THE NHF’. Please be with us as we promise to keep you informed on this platform

Akhigbe Dominic.M. Esq., /Property Law Expert/CEO, H.I.E Properties & Homes Ltd/SENIOR STRATEGIC PARTNER, PropertyLogic Incorporated/Seasoned Business Coach/Columnist of The BusinessDay/Contributing Editor,govandbusinessjournal.com.ng <https://govandbusinessjournal.ng>*


Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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