Home Comments The intrigues about land titles

The intrigues about land titles

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their property…”

                                                                          –John Locke

TUE, JULY 17 2018-theG&BJournal-John Locke FRS was an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the father of Liberalism (according to Wikipedia).

John Locke died in October 28th, 1704. His quote cited above came long before his demise. Today; this quote has become more relevant in the narratives of property ownership with definite respect to Real Estate. No one demonstrates confident ownership of any Real Estate variable without an unencumbered Proof of ownership to same. This is what is clearly referred as Title. If otherwise done; such a fellow only wallops in the illusion of real ownership. It is in view of the above assertion that we would take a cursory look at THE INTRIGUES OF LAND TITLES as a welcome back pack for our various teaming readers who have unavoidably missed us in the last two months when we consolidated on other very important assignments thrown at us by those who reposed confidence in our capacity to emancipate them from political emasculation.

Your darling Column that enriches your nomenclature with undiluted information about Real Estate and Property is back with new Property peps that are expected to help mitigate if not totally take away the usual harrowing hassles associated with procuring, disposing or managing your Real Estate derivatives. Just keep hanging on to PropertyLogic Incorporated; your One Stop Property Information Mall.

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Now, let hit the ground running with this week’s business which is…


Even to the average Professional Consultant, Land Titles could be as confusing as advanced rocket science. It takes tact and meticulousness and of cause practice to be vast in the wilderness of Land Titles. It is in view of this we have decided to scratch the surface but with sufficient information that can guide the average Property Owner to enhance your decision making process while dealing with your Lands and other Lands related Matters.


Generally speaking, this is the most elementary document or proof of transaction that comes your way while procuring a land or landed property. The RECEIPT generally is actually your proof of payment for the Land or Landed Property under consideration. As basic as this is; the absence of it could pose a huge challenge in an effort to procure more superior Title from government agencies. The receipt should be jealously guided once issued. In celebrated land disputes and litigations; the absence or inappropriateness of Land Purchase receipt has swung cases in very unpleasant destinations for parties.

In Lagos for instance, Receipts come in various forms and patterns. You could have the “Agent Receipts” or “Family Receipts”. If you are dealing with an accredited Agent who has the mandate to act for a family (mostly in Omo’o nile lands), be sure you are ultimately given the revered “Family receipt” which is primus inter parius. Otherwise, some unscrupulous members of the same family could cut your joy short with the argument of not possessing the transaction thereby disowning the transaction.

…To be continued

Akhigbe Dominic.M. Esq., /Property Law Expert/CEO, PROPERTYLogic Homes Ltd|Visit: www.propertylogichomeslimited.com for listed properties & Property information.|Call us on: +234-8034846284 & +234-1-2166914

SENIOR STRATEGIC PARTNER, PropertyLogic Incorporated/Seasoned Business Coach/Columnist of The BusinessDay/Contributing Editor,govandbusinessjournal.com.ng <https://govandbusinessjournal.ng>




Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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