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Tag: Social Bond

AfDB launches US$2 billion 3.500% fixed rate social global benchmark due...

...The new 5-year USD transaction, issued in a social bond format under the Bank’s Sustainable Bond framework, marks AfDB’s second USD Global Benchmark in...

AfDB launches new US$2 billion 4.125% 3-year Social Global Benchmark due...

...This new 3-year Social Benchmark is the Bank’s first global benchmark of the year, strategically aligning with the robust reopening of primary markets in...

Securities and Exchange Commission prepares ground for Social Bond issue in...

By Charles Ike-Okoh THUR 10 JUNE, 2021-theGBJournal- The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC Nigeria) has laid out broad-based rule for Social Bond issue that has...

IFC more than doubles issuance of social bonds in FY2020 to...

FRI 12 FEB, 2021-theGBJournal- IFC has published its new Social Bond Impact Report, showing cumulative volume raised from the program more than doubled in...

African Development Bank launches record breaking $3 billion “Fight COVID-19” Social...

Landmark transaction, largest Social bond transaction to date in capital markets SAT, MARCH 28 2020-theG&BJournal-The African Development Bank (AfDB has raised an exceptional $3 billion...