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PR learnings from Davido’s historic CSR

By Stanley Olisa TUE 23 NOV, 2021-theGBJournal- My October byline played up the subject of corporate citizenship within which corporate social responsibility is situated....

Leveraging LinkedIn for personal branding: The PR perspective

By Stanley Olisa FRI 16 JULY, 2021-theGBJournal-If you’re a professional and you don’t have presence on LinkedIn, you’re losing out a great deal. The corporate...

Make No Mistake: PR is not Journalism and can’t be

By Stanley Olisa MON 07 JUNE, 2021-theGBJournal- There is this growing trend of journalists infiltrating the public relations profession with the incorrect belief that as...

‘Why PR in Nigeria Needs PR’

By Stanley Olisa FRI 07 MAY, 2021-theGBJournal-Public relations in Nigeria has unarguably experienced considerable growth, especially when you juxtapose present realities alongside what obtained some...

How to optimise influencer marketing for PR wins

By Stanley Olisa THUR 04 FEB, 2021-theGBJournal- Advances in media technology and 21st-century business expectations, as well as intricacies, have continued to blur the lines...