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Tag: Pomona Wealth

Pomona Wealth Market Comment| The merry-go-round continues

By Rebecca Ellis SAT, 08 OCT, 2022-theGBJournal| Good riddance to September: with this bloodbath of a market no one would blame you for feeling a...

Pomona Wealth Market Comment| The rollercoaster ride of 2022 continues into...

By Rebecca Ellis SAT, 03 SEPT, 2022-theGBJournal| The end of August brought us the annual event of Jackson Hole, where central bankers in the US...

Pomona Wealth Market Comment| The battle of definitions

By Rebecca Ellis MON, 01 AUG, 2022-theGBJournal| The US economy has recorded a second consecutive quarter of negative GDP and we are seeing the recurring...

Pomona Wealth Market Comment| What to do when the bears enter...

TUE, 24 MAY, 2022-theGBJournal | Equities markets have remained volatile as investors digest conflicting signals on the outlook for growth, central bank policy, and...

Pomona Wealth Market Comments| Walking the tightrope in uncertain times -What’s...

By Rebecca Ellis TUE, 03 MAY, 2022-theGBJournal | Spring has come but it has not been kind to the markets. The S&P 500’s 8.8%...

Pomona Wealth Market Comments| A battle of nerves – war and...

By Rebecca Ellis FRI 01 APRIL, 2022-theGBJournal| The main topics driving the markets now are the war in Ukraine and the fear of inflation. These...

Pomona Wealth Comments| Sanctions, war and fear- what does tomorrow bring

By Rebecca Ellis TUE 01 MARCH, 2022-theGBJournal- It is difficult to remain calm in the face a brutal and unwarranted aggression from one country onto...

Pomona Wealth Market Comments| 2022-inflation madness

By Rebecca Ellis TUE 01 FEB, 2022-theGBJournal- Financial markets were in heightened expectation to hear what US Federal Reserve Chairman Powell had to say last...

Pomona Wealth Market Comments| Our Top 3 for 2022!

SAT 01 JAN, 2022-theGBJournal- As the world economy prepares for 2022, the press is full of experts pontificating on what the financial markets will...

Pomona Wealth views on the recent market turbulences

THUR 09 DEC, 2021-theGBJournal- An old saying about investing goes like this: "Stocks take the stairs up, but the elevator down." Those of who...