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Tag: AEW 2022

Sahara Group’s Tope Shonubi confirmed as a speaker at African Energy...

SAT, 24 SEPT, 2022-theGBJournal| Tope Shonubi, Co-founder and Executive Director of Sahara Group – a Nigeria-based leading international energy and infrastructure conglomerate with operations...

Wale Tinubu, Oando Energy Group Chief Executive to drive energy security...

WED, 21 SEPT, 2022-theGBJournal| Wale Tinubu, Group Chief Executive of Oando PLC – a Nigerian multinational energy company operating in the upstream, midstream and...

Shell’s sizeable oil discovery in Namibia means huge opportunity for economic...

…The global oil major has announced a significant oil discovery in the offshore Graff-1 well in Namibia, reaffirming the hydrocarbon potential of Namibia MON 07...

Nigeria’s Ministry of Petroleum Resources signs partnership with African Energy Week...

WED 26 JAN, 2022-theGBJournal- Nigeria’s Ministry of Petroleum Resources has fully endorsed African Energy Week (AEW) 2022, partnering with the African Energy Chamber (AEC)...