Home Companies&Markets NSE inducts 20 new Authorize Dealing Clerks

NSE inducts 20 new Authorize Dealing Clerks

Access Pensions, Future Shaping


Brokers Induction 2018

WED, JULY 25 2018-theG&BJournal- OSCAR N. ONYEMA, the chief executive officer of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) yesterday told newly inducted Dealing Clerks on the Exchange that the NSE will not hesitate to wield the axe on any erring member that falls short on any of its rules.

‘’Let me be clear that we have zero tolerance policy on all infractions and I am confident that I will not get a negative report concerning any of you,’’ he told the distinguished inducted members of “2018 Batch A” who have passed through The Exchange’s Automated Trading System (ATS) training faculty.

The Dealing Clerks are made up of seasoned capital market regulators and operators (SEC, NSE, CSCS, Registrars, ASHON and CIS). The ATS training is a pre-requisite for participating in an oral examination, a rigorous exercise to ensure only suitable candidates secure the required regulatory approval to practice as Authorized Dealing Clerks of The Nigerian Stock Exchange.

He said their induction is a testament to their years of dedication and hard work and also marks the beginning of their journey as Authorized Dealing Clerks of The Nigerian Stock Exchange.

‘’With the extremely thorough and strict process leading to your qualification, I make bold to say that you are worthy to be practicing stockbrokers enabled to trade on any floor of The Nigerian Stock Exchange in Nigeria. I therefore welcome you all to a new relationship which faces inward – for Professionalism, Integrity, Transparency and Reliability; and outward – for Excellent Service to our investor and issuer communities,’’ Onyema said.

Out of the 23 candidates who had already passed the Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers (CIS) examination, as well as the 15 days mandatory practical Automated Trading System (ATS) training at the NSE, 20 candidates were successful at the oral examination of the Exchange.

Onyema noted that as the Exchange continue to work on its goal of becoming a more agile and demutualized Exchange, the importance of their role cannot be over emphasized.

‘’It goes without saying that the investing community will know and judge the Nigerian capital market through your character and service innovation. The manner in which you engage and render your professional duties to your clients will go a long way in shaping the perception of our market,’’ he added.

He challenged the new Dealing Clerks to uphold the tenets of their profession.

‘’Let your word be your bond. This would not only build and sustain a transparent and harmonious working relationship, but would also engender confidence and growth of your respective organizations and the capital market at large.’’





Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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