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Not rallies but Godly activities

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‘’The clerics should have limited their drama to their churches’ auditoria rather than grand-standing and expositing their failures and foibles akin to washing their dirty linen in public.’’
By Iyiola Ayoola
THUR, FEB 06 2020-theG&BJournal-When I looked at the front page pictures of some of the dailies of February 3, 2020, featuring most of the big clergy names in churches, leading rallies against insecurity in the nation, I had a hearty laugh.  Not because the issue in contention is not serious or important but because the churches organisations have missed the point.
Indeed it is poignant evidence that the churches in Nigeria have failed woefully.
In the first place, the Bible is opposed to rabble-rousing and crusader arrogance which these protest actions, akin to rebellion are tantamount to. Secondly, it is a sign that churches have failed in their God-given responsibilities.
It is true there is insecurity in our nation today like never before. The criminal acts are innumerable. There is kidnapping, armed robbery, out-right killing, political assassinations, rape, cultism by adolescents, urchins and youths, political corruption and so on.
There is degeneration and devaluation of life and living in Nigeria of today.  Everyone seems to be on his/her own, forsaking such thing as authority. There is absolute rejection of authority in the scheme of things in Nigeria. Put simply, we have abandoned the highest authority, who is God the Father Almighty. And nobody including the clerics is calling people to order. Instead their preaching is focussed on prosperity and steps to business growth.
The clerics should have limited their drama to their churches’ auditoria rather than grand-standing and expositing their failures and foibles akin to washing their dirty linen in public.
How much doctrine do most pastors/ministers know and teach?  How much discipleship do they do? We are not talking of knowing Bible stories and telling it. We are not talking of fluency in motivational talk which most churches do. Haven’t the churches abdicated their responsibilities by making their congregation “HAPPY” even when they know nothing about God and His demands?  Don’t they paint life as a rosy glow by preaching yoyo and empty sermons?
Punch newspaper on page 18 opened its report like this: “Christians across the country on Sunday heeded the call by their apex organisation, Christian Association of Nigeria and staged prayer walks round their churches to end killings in the nation”.  What is that and how can walk end killings by ‘walk prayer’? Please tell me.
Christian association is an aberration in the Bible.  It is never authorised association of church denominations. And for CAN to call for crusader arrogance is an apostasy.  Who are you protesting to or against; God or government?
Why are we acting like unbelievers?  Why are we being hypocritical, washing the back of a cup instead of its inside?  Are we really sure that it is only prayer that God considers before answering prayers?
Nigeria is filled to the brim with idolatry, within and outside of the church.  There is no holy land anymore.  The traditionalists are high on campaign for a return to traditional worship and daily gaining control on what God, inIsa. 1: 8 calls, “…the work of their own hands; that which their fingers have made …”.These things, Ps. 115: 5 tells us: have mouths but they cannot speak, eyes they have but don’t see; ears but do not hear; noses but cannot smell; feet but do not walk; nor do they utter through their throat. Those who make them are like them. So is everyone who trusts in them”
There is total breakdown of morality, family values, cultural values and generally revered human values. Nigeria is filled with idolatry and this is expanding by the day. There is a cacophony of voices everyday for a return to ‘Isese’, (tradition).
The Bible says, “Fear the Lord your God, serve Him only and take oath in his name.  Do not follow other gods, the gods of the people around you, for the Lord your God who is among you, is a jealous God and His anger will burn against you and He will destroy you from the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy 6:15
Haven’t we heard in Nigeria that the Bible is a story book written by the white man?  Haven’t we heard from people, including Christians, that whatever religion we embrace, we are serving the same God? A fallacy due to ignorance!
Is this rally against God or the gods of the land?  You are amazed at the activities of Boko Haram, ISIS and names of other aberrations; don’t we serve all sorts of gods at our public/ government events?
What constructive suggestions have these church leaders offered to the governments in tackling insecurity in our land aside from criticism, lampooning and unproductive condemnation? Have you forgotten that our churches glorify the ‘mighty people’ (in government and public life) whenever we have contact with them rather than tell them the home truth. When they attend our Holy ‘Ghost’ congresses, conventions and convocation, do we take time to show them their failures in governance and offer any advice on how to secure the nation from Biblical viewpoint?
Unrighteousness is so pervasive in our land and the churches have not found any solution to this. The church is so divided in Nigeria of today that what Apostle Paul said in I Cor. 1: 11-13 is very relevant. They even teach their members to discriminate against other denominations and brand them unholy. We are back to the time of Jeremiah when the Lord say, “The Priests do not ask, ‘where is the Lord? Those who deal with the Law (The Bible) did not know me; the leaders rebel against Me. The prophets prophesied by Baal, following worthless idols.”
God is not mocked.  He is really angry.  We hear further in Deuteronomy 28:14 ff that if we walk contrary to the Lord God, there will be famine, war, confusion, crises and rebuke in everything you put your hand to, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin because of the evil you have done by forsaking Me (God). Isaiah 13: 11 say, I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will halt the arrogance of the proud and I will subdue the haughtiness of the terrible.
My advice Nigeria and the health of Nigeria and Nigerians, for their good is that the churches, both leaders and members to go back to their assembly, learn and teach Bible doctrine, apply Bible doctrine and as He (God the Father) has promised in Psalm 91, surely He will save you from the fowler’s snare and from deadly pestilence.  He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge.
You will not fear the terror by night or the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at mid-day.”
Let leaders in the churches teach the congregation to seek the kingdom of God first and its righteousness and all the other things we emphasise in place of true worship will be added. Matthew 6:33.
God has promised to discipline the unrighteous and the disobedient whether individuals or nations. Let’s remember that judgment or discipline starts on this earth. May be that is what Nigeria is experiencing. No one can save from God’s fury and anger. Man by man’s efforts cannot solve an inch of man’s problems. Only God the Father can if we follow His plan and commandments.
Iyiola Ayoola writes from Palm Avenue, Mushin, Lagos|ayoiyivangel@gmail.com
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