Home Technology Nigeria’s Active Mobile Phone Lines Hit 146m In January 2018 – NCC

Nigeria’s Active Mobile Phone Lines Hit 146m In January 2018 – NCC

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

ABUJA, MARCH 16, 2018 – The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) says the number of active mobile phone lines in the country rose to 146 million in January 2018, an increase of 2,233,467 lines from the 144,631 recorded in December 2017.

NCC made this known in its monthly Subscribers Operator Data posted on its website.

The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), however, had 217,566 users in January 2018 just as in December 2017.

The report said the number of fixed wired/wireless in January 2018 was 137,262 as against 139,344 in December 2017, showing a decrease of 2.082 lines.

According to NCC, the number of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) was 76,371 in January 2018 compared to 70,926 in December 2017, an increase of 5, 445.

Teledensity for January 2018 was 105.21 against 103.61 in December 2017, recording an increase of 1.60

Teledensity is the number of telephone connections for every 100 individuals living within an area and it varies widely across the country.

NCC also said the number of connected mobile lines in January 2018 increased to 237,755,757, compared to 236,927,497 in December 2017, an increase of 828,260.

The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) for connected lines for January 2018 was 3,586.095, the same figure with December, 2017, it said.

The report said that the number of fixed wired/wireless for connected lines in January 2018 was 345.195 compared to 346,107 in December 2017, showing a decrease of 912 lines.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) for connected lines in January 2018 was 523,298 while December 2017 was 472, 844,752 , showing an increase of 50, 454.

Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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