Home Comments Nigeria: A revelation of new foundations

Nigeria: A revelation of new foundations

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

By Rev. Arize Nwobu

MON 05 JULY, 2021-theGBJournal- Based on divine revelation, new foundations will emerge in Nigeria. The Lord God showed it to me as He had done before on some major developments in Nigeria. In June 21, 2021 I had a dream and saw a large expanse of new house foundations which is interpreted as either the emergence of a new united Nigeria or a fragmented Nigeria, and I posted it on my Facebook page in June 22, 2021. The post is still there. Before I delve into the details of the revelation, let me give a chronicle of past revelations that I had which came to pass.

In December 2013, I dreamt and saw the fall of former President Goodluck Jonathan. It was crystal clear and I wrote about it in an article titled “Signs of the Times” which was published in ‘’Government’’, a publication of the Abuja-based Leadership newspaper of Sunday December 30, 2013.

 I saw former President Jonathan seated in a court room with his aides before a Judge who wore ‘’babanriga’’(agbada) with a cap but whose face was not quite visible. Suddenly a bottle of beer and a big mug appeared before the former President and he poured himself a mug full of the beer, stood up, gulped it and thereafter he fell on the floor. And it came to pass. The former President with the power of incumbency lost the election to the babanriga wearing President Buhari.

In 2015, three days after the inauguration of President Muhammadu Buhari, I prayed for the President and asked God to tell me about him if He wished. And God revealed the circumstances of his leadership.

Again, I wrote about it in an article titled ‘’A Bull and the Fallen Rider” which was published both in Thisday newspaper of Thursday July 2, 2015, and Saturday Sun of July 4, 2015 respectively. The article as per the revelation, which is still on the net foretold present day realities.

Subsequently I followed it up with another article titled ‘’Buhari’s Bullish and Bumpy Ride’’ which was published in Thisday newspaper of Thursday July 14, 2016, Saturday Sun of August 6, 2016 and Government and Business Journal, an online publication on July 13, 2016. The article addressed the numerous challenges in the country and the need for President Buhari to ensure equity and fairness.

In the latest revelation that I had, I saw a large expanse of house foundations demarcated into rooms. Before I saw the foundations, there was pandemonium and i saw some big cows that chased people who ran helter-skelter. The cows destroyed some farm lands and properties, but some few brave people chased and kicked at the cows.

 Suddenly, two medium-sized and strange cows that were hydra-horned emerged and approached a man who tried to fraternize with them. Initially, the cows appeared friendly to him but suddenly they grabbed and entangled him so tightly. Some people made spirited efforts to release him from their stranglehold but they could not.

 The pandemonium and destruction by the cows attracted the attention of some men from foreign countries who took counsel together. It was after their counsel that I saw the new foundations that were widely laid out and partitioned into rooms. And I woke up.

Barely two weeks after the revelation the arrest of the leader of IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, was reported by the Attorney General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami. Reportedly, Malami  said that Kanu’s arrest was through the collaboration of Nigerian security operatives and the ‘’Interpol.’’

Evidently, Kanu’s arrest by Nigerian security operatives and the ‘’Interpol’’ is a manifestation of  the emergence of the two strange and hydra-horned cows I saw in my dream which initially appeared friendly to a man but suddenly  grabbed him in a tight stranglehold.

In all these, I prayed to God that His perfect will for Nigeria be done, but that there should not be pandemonium and further bloodshed in the country. If it is God’s will that a new and more united Nigeria should emerge, so be it. And if it is His will that the country be fragmented into new countries let His will be done. God’s will is always the best.

Let me end this piece on a theological note that speaks to the leadership of nations. It is noteworthy that the concept of nationhood originated from God whose perfect will is for the leadership of nations to advance His Kingdom on earth through righteous leadership.

 God takes particular interest in the leadership of nations which He expects to represent Him both morally and governmentally, and to fully realize the burden of responsibility they bear before Him and to the people.

God despises ignorant, foolish, selfish, greedy, covetous, visionless and irresponsible leaders. It is biblical. See Isaiah 56:9-12. Unrighteous leaders are a curse to their nations. God can permit ‘’beasts of the forests’’ to invade a country and devour the people because of unrighteous and irresponsible leaders.

 Righteousness is the only condition for the exaltation of nations, which in the context means doing the right things.  An unrighteous nation is a nation where there is no equity, fairness, equality, justice, judicious use of national resources and benevolence to the poor and needy- a nation where the leaders are selfish, greedy, covetous, rapacious, ‘blind’, anachronistic, nepotistic, ignorant, irresponsible and deficient in strategic sensitivity and agility, and critical and creative thinking. May that not be the portion of Nigeria our beloved country. Amen

Nwobu is a Minister of Christ and Sociologist. He wrote via arizenwobu@yahoo.com

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Access Pensions, Future Shaping