Home Business Nigeria: 37.49% jump in capital importation in 2018 with Portfolio investment dominating

Nigeria: 37.49% jump in capital importation in 2018 with Portfolio investment dominating

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

WED, FEBRUARY 13 2019-theG&BJournal-Capital importation grew 37.49% higher than 2017 to $16.8bn in 2018 with Portfolio investment dominating type of investment both for Q4 2018 and 2018 full year while inflows from the United Kingdom, US South Africa and UAE led the way for sources of inflows.

The total value of capital importation into Nigeria stood at $2,140.08 million in the fourth quarter of 2018, a decrease of 25.05% compared to Q3 2018 and 60.24% decrease compared to the fourth quarter of 2017, according to the data published today by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)

Similarly, the total value of capital importation into Nigeria stood at $16,812.47 million in 2018 compared to $12,228.57 million capital imported in 2017. This represents 37.49% growth YoY

The largest amount of capital importation by type was received through Portfolio investment, which accounted for 70.20% ($11,802.27m) of total capital importation, followed by Other Investment, which accounted for 22.69% ($3,815.53m) of total capital, and then Foreign Direct Investment FDI, which accounted for 7.11% ($1,194.67m) of total capital imported in 2018.

By sector, Capital importation by shares, which is closely related to Equity investment (FDI and Portfolio Investment) dominated 2018 reaching $10,425.18 of the total capital Importation in 2018.

The United Kingdom emerged as the top source of capital investment in Nigeria in 2018 with $6,007.99 million. This accounted for 35.74% of the total capital inflow in 2018.

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Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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