Home Energy Just don’t fall fowl of fraudsters, don’t ever pay for your electricity...

Just don’t fall fowl of fraudsters, don’t ever pay for your electricity meter

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

EDITOR’S NOTE: This letter, signed by Dr Sam Amadi is your protection and licence to sue when harassed by dubious electricity company workers. This letter written shortly before the unbundling of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), applies today to all existing electricity company in Nigeria and their staff.


Consumer Protection Letter-know your rights about Meters


SEPTEMBER 18, 2012


The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has heard the complaints and pleas of electricity consumers all over the country regarding incidents of people purporting to be PHCN staff requesting money for the purchase and installation of meters. NERC is committed to seeing the strict adherence to rules for the provision of meters to customers.

We have taken many measures to ensure your rights are protected and will continue to guarantee that consumers are aware of their rights. To that end, please retain a copy of this official letter as evidence that you are NOT required to pay for your meter as the cost of the meter has been reflected in the new electricity tariff. For further clarification, there should be no exchange of monies between customers and any PHCN staff except when you are purchasing your electricity credit or recharging your meter.

Any individual requesting payment for a meter or for its installation is doing so against the law and can face prosecution by EFCC. If you are a victim of such a practice, evidence (if obtained) in the form of photography or tape recording would be very useful. Be sure to make a note of the full name and branch of any PHCN staff assisting you; they are required to carry their 10 cards. Please report any suspected fraud to your nearest Customer Complaint Unit (CCU), by email (info@nercng.org), or by writing to us at the address below. We must not allow the actions of select individuals to damage the hard work and commitment of many dedicated PHCN staff who are committed to providing you with quality customer service.


NERC is determined to protect the rights of our customers. Please continue to voice your opinions, comments and/or complaints by contacting your nearest CCU, by visiting us on Facebook, Twitter (@NERCNG) and on our website (www.nercng.org).

Please know that our commitment to protecting your rights has never changed, and today it is as strong as ever. As a result, NERC is dedicated to reforming the sector and providing sustainable electricity and excellent customer service for all electricity consumers. With your help and continued understanding, we can together create an industry that we can all be proud of.


Dr. Sam Amadi

The Chairman

Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC)

Adamawa House

Plot 1099, First Avenue

Central Business District, Abuja


Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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