Home News Government College Ughelli Sept ’73 Class celebrates reunion, commission million Naira ‘giving-back’...

Government College Ughelli Sept ’73 Class celebrates reunion, commission million Naira ‘giving-back’ project

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THUR, NOVEMBER 22 2018-theG&BJournal-The Government College Ughelli Class of September 1973 recently celebrated its 40 years of graduation at the school’s premises with nearly 80 members of the class attending the high profile event.

Class in Assembly

Current Mariners School Band welcome Class
Oleh House members of the Class
John Owah of Class Jan 73 with Charles Ike-OKOH, Sept 73 Class Secretary
Sam Omatsey, Ehi Braimoh and Gordons Omo Egbedi

The event which kicked off Thursday 15th November 2018 was full of reminiscing of great times of the past and catching up on the past 40 years for most of those who hadn’t seen each other in such a long period of time.

The 3-day reunion event began with a cocktail at the school’s assembly hall, with class members catching up on each other’s news and hearty expression of joy about the gathering which took nearly a year of planning.

The Class as a group was formally inaugurated on the 4th of February 2017, and according to the Class Chairman Omatsola Vincent, ‘’the existence as a group has been one of consistent growth and development.’’

On Friday 16th November, the Class commissioned its giving-back project, refurbished school administration block. Ogbemi O Omatete, President General Worldwide, Government College Ughelli Old Boys Association (GCUOBA) and chief host of the event, remarked that the commissioning is in line with the new emphasis as enshrined in the school’s Old Boys current constitution that Classes should be major units of the GCUOBA.

‘’This is highly commendable and it is recommended that all Classes should emulate the GCU entering Class of Septemeber 1973 in marking reunions, especially major reunions, with donations to our alma mater,’’ he said.

The Saturday programme wasn’t an evening dress-up event as it fell within the School’s athletics (relay) programme and the ‘boys’ loved it. ‘’We want to do this again,’’ most of the ‘boys’ remarked. Some took the liberty to revisit their hostels while some simply wondered round the school remembering and remarking on how the landscape has changed since they were last there.

About 8 members of the Class have passed-on. Prayers were said for them during the Class thanks giving and General meeting.

Today, the Class boosts of influencers, entrepreneurs, technocrats and professionals who have helped shape society.

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