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‘Give us a chance, to change the way things have been done ‘, Fashola

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola on Wednesday led the management team of his Ministry at the 2016 Budget Defence Session of the Senate Committee on Works with a passionate appeal that the focus and plan of the proposed plans be retained in order to achieve the much desired change and positive objectives of the Budget.

The Minister in his presentation of the main thrust of the Medium Term Sector Strategy 2016 – 2018 Budget proposals of his ministry explained that the objective is to ensure that on going projects in the six geopolitical zones of the country are completed within the shortest possible time, as distinct from the practice in the past, where the inadequate budgetary provision is spread thin over so many projects without much being completed.

According to Fashola, economic roads that will ensure connectivity between hubs of commerce and generate employment; roads bearing the heaviest traffic and those nearing completion are being given priority over the next three budget cycles.

Fashola urged the Senate to trust himself and the ministry to deliver the desired objectives by not changing the proposed plans. From the proposals, the first priority projects envisaged for the 2016 Budget are those on arterial highways and major river crossings which carry a high volume of traffic and are critical to the economic well-being of the country, with a total length of 2,192.76 km, distributed across the various zones .

“Some members of the Committee, have of course, pointed out that they wanted to see a plan. There is a plan before you and it is a plan that l appeal that you should kindly look at in more detail.

“It is perhaps different from what has been done before, and if we have done this budget method where we put X Naira in the Budget and every constituency takes a part of it in that Budget year and it doesn’t lead us to the conclusion of a project, I think the time has come to try something new,” he said.

Explaining the essence of the new approach Fashola said: “ I am proposing something new but we not are inflexible about what we are proposing and as l have said in my previous meetings with the Chairman and the Vice Chairman, give us a chance, to change the way things have been done, then hold us responsible to the plan that we mutually agree with.

“But as Parliament, when it comes to Budgetary Appropriation matters clearly you have the yam and you have the knives and you can choose to cut as you wish Sir. Mr. Chairman, we have brought a plan to you Sir, it is different from what has been done before.

” The purpose of that plan is to address first, economic roads like the Second Niger Bridge, the Lagos – Ibadan Express way, the Ilorin – Jebba road so that, a section at least can be completed.”

Acknowledging that every lawmaker was entitled to make a case for his or her constituents, Fashola noted that if there was a clear cut plan as currently being proposed, each lawmaker could with some.

Explaining that it was practically impossible to have come up with a 10 – year plan in less than 100 Days of being in office as suggested by one of the Senators, the minister explained that it was important to come up with a practical proposal for implementation, to avoid the danger of losing the entire dry weather while making elaborate plans.

Fashola noted that the time had come for the Senators to insist on what will make meaningful impact in the life of the citizenry by endorsing the Ministry’s proposal unlike what was done in the past.

“Let us also not forget that there are some contractors who were at work last year. The Budget of N19 billion passed through this National Assembly last year, l wasn’t here then. And perhaps that was the time to have put our foot down. We have another opportunity now to put our foot down and l hope that we do not miss it.

“In doing so my suggestion is that you trust us with this plan and you hold us to it subject to modifications that we may make and subject to the leadership responsibility that we will take in our various constituencies that next year, this is what will happen in this part of the country, in year three, this is what will happen in this part of the country, “he said.

Noting that such predictability would make for consistency, the Minister said such a plan if followed would also be in tune with the request for a 10 – year plan earlier made by a Senator.

“We can’t all be served at the same time, that really is the truth of the matter. Even if we are at a party, the stewards cannot serve all of us at the same time. They would normally start from somewhere, one end of the table until the food gets round. The choice for us to go and take the food from the service point means that we may not eat comfortably or that we may get rice and we may not get water. As leaders, our people are agitating, l understand it all too clearly but it is as leaders that we must all go back to them and explain that we are changing the plans slightly for better results”, Fashola said.

Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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