Home Comments For the power game the medium also is the message 3

For the power game the medium also is the message 3

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

Quote: Robbery even if state sanctioned is not entrepreneurship. Nigerians ronu. 

By Jimanze Ego-Alowes

TUE, JANUARY 08 2019-theG&BJournal-In our part two we had broached the idea that Nigeria’s problems are as designed, ”by purpose or default.” And this design was by the G2. The essay continues:

And a key part of our national theatre of horrors is the formulation and philosophy of G2. When we first developed the concept of G2, it wasn’t perhaps as popular as Gbegiri soup in Lagos. However, all acute observers agreed to its revelations. The only point of departure is that it is sometimes G1, that is northern only dominance. Not quite. It is just that the G other, that is the Yoruba or Southwest in the G2, are some kind of junior partners and that is acceptable to them – by default? Perhaps they entered it hoping it will be a United Nations style Security Council arrangement. That is they barely hoped, perhaps prayed, that the G2 will be run on a platform of each member wielding a veto. Perhaps, that was the original scenario. But the north was clever. They created an illusion of a common veto, first shared by the two. Later the unified veto was transferred by creative ”gerrymandering” to a single veto held by one, held by the north – exclusively. They only conceded to the Yoruba moral membership, but kept them without a veto. And it is meet to recall that in a moment of ”unguarded” frankness Professor Bolaji Akinyemi admitted and even welcomed this reality. We have earlier made reference to it in our book How the Yoruba Fought and Lost the Biafra-Nigeria Civil War.

Anyway, another southwest extraction analyst has the following insights on G2 as a de facto reality even if as he does so in other dressings. Speaking of the Biafra-Nigeria civil war, he writes:

”It is an outcome that has cast a permanent political pall on the South-east and one in which the North/South-west victorious alliance are never far from pulling ranks on their defeated compatriots.” https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2018/12/03/the-east-west-dichotomy/

Our considered opinion again is that like the lady analyst this guy is truthful but in a rather ”singular and instantaneous” manner. The point is not just that the duo, the G2, are never far from pulling ranks on their defeated compatriots. The point is that the act of the G2 rallying to a common standard or pulling ranks, is not instinctive. It is completely structured and structural – to be auto-generated. For those with a background in military, this innocuous pulling of ranks is like it is with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, and its high commands. In workaday life NATO never exists, is never in view for the NATO countries citizens. But in reality, NATO is a ruthless, deadly and well-oiled war machine. NATO is primed and ready at any moment’s notice to strike like a colony of adder snakes. And just like adder snakes or NATO, the G2 despite their halal appearances are built to strike to secure the present order of injustices and thus underdevelopment in the nation.

So, the so called rally or pulling together is  a fully structured move, NATO-style. The idea that it is instinctive is false and not true. At no point is the G2, save they dismantle the order, not poised like NATO to strike, to defend the present order of national underdevelopment. And this underdevelopment it is well to recall is the cost to the structured and structural G2 regional pre-eminences. And just as NATO has bases and other structures scattered around the continents, so has the G2 forged and deployed instruments of expropriation of other zones’ assets or equities.

The point needs to be made. There is no other way to build a modern nation save by giving justice to all, save by abolishing any delusions of Security Council Membership for some ethnics or sections. Nigeria cannot be an exception. Anyway, the verdict is that the nation the G2 has been labouring to build, Nigeria, has collapsed on its heads. Harvard Business School for instance uses Nigeria as a template for a failed state, it has been stated. Nigeria Ronu.

But what are the ”signs and wonders”, the institutions and structures that have been used to prime this so called pulling together or rallying to the standards of the G2? We take a few examples:

Nigerian security is the privatized and exclusive lake of the G2. Yes, it runs and is run with a G1 dominance, but with a moral G/other or southwest presence. To compliment this there is an engineered absence of the others, of the southeasterners and the south-southerners from any place of consequence under the security web of the nation. Thus these two groups are to be left in purposed darkness as to how the security of the nation is run. The latest such rape is the EFCC Board discrimination. And that is just one amongst many others.

Economy. It is not just that the Nyesom Nwike, Governor of Rivers State, has the courage to speak out, it is a national injustice without parallel anywhere else in the world. In the words of Nwike, sitting governor of Rivers State:

“You find this region comfortable to drill oil and generate revenue which sustains the entire country. But when it comes to the location of your headquarters, very many excuses emerge.

“Those who talk about insecurity in the Niger Delta forget that they are secure enough to work on oil fields in different communities. This level of injustice is not good for any country.

“I hear that majority of your workers receive their salaries in Lagos and Abuja, with their taxes deducted at those locations. We want you to return to our states and energise our communities with your presence.

The governor said despite the negative politics against the region, the headquarters of the oil majors will eventually come to the Niger Delta.

And he delivers the solemn verdict: He said: “If this oil was in the north or in the west, would the headquarters of the oil majors be located in the Niger Delta? Certainly not “. https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2018/12/16/wike-calls-on-oil-majors-to-relocate-headquarters-to-niger-delta/

And we repeat: He said: “If this oil was in the north or in the west, would the headquarters of the oil majors be located in the Niger Delta? Certainly not “.

And we can tell it is not finished. To further hold the non G2 as hostages, a game is in town to confiscate and expropriate their wealth every here and there. A Premium Times report runs in part:

”A report released on Monday has accused Nigerian security and law enforcement agencies of pocketing as much as N100 billion in roadside bribery and extortion in the South-eastern part of the country alone over the last three years….”

”The Nigerian Army and the Federal Road Safety Corps immediately dismissed the report, telling PREMIUM TIMES their respective personnel operate with strict ethical standards and those identified for misconduct are usually promptly disciplined.” UPDATED: Nigeria security forces extort N100 billion in Southeast in three years — Report. https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/302621-nigeria-security-forces-extort-n100-billion-in-southeast-in-three-years-report.html

Our comments: These military and security agencies, their spokesmen and sundry propagandists would have been believable if they can explain the following. Why is it that the southeast has more police, military, and other checkpoints, in fact chokepoints, per square metre, than any other place in the world, including Iraq? And why is it that the whole security top brass of the nation has not one single Igbo, repeat not one single Igbo? How dare something good be for us but without us, as policy? Is that not emerging Nazism under the African sun?

So, like oil from the south-south and the southeast, all these bribe monies are extracted from the tributary and hostage-held southeast especially and expatriated as designed to the G2 regions and nationals, who exclusively run the racket called national security?

What else is one to make of it? Is it not to conclude: It is a game, it is a designed game. And that that game begins on the engineered exclusion of the southeast from membership of the Nigerian Security arc. How can they be let in when and while they are being robbed to the tune of hundreds of billions, one concerned citizen asked. Since I had no answer, I kept my peace.

In conclusion, the G2 has taken the rest of us as hostages. And hostages are not part of the formation that garrisons them. Hostages are to be held, milked. And hostages are never to be let to be able to defend themselves, or even to be able to flee from his traducers. It is only that this being state robbery we are told that the Igbo and the south-south are being robbed in their own best interests. It is just like the Nazis invaded Poland in Poland’s best interests.

But no man goes free of his own schemes. As the Nigerian state or its dominant factions have approved of kidnapping and hostage taking of entire regions and their resources, the point is that citizens are learning. In other words the rash of kidnapping, armed robberies, ritual killings in Nigeria are lessons and practices citizens have innocently distilled from Nigerian government or its dominant arm, the G2.

Is there then a lesson in these things? It is that no country shall prosper if it is built as an empire, as its part an institutionalized robbery scene. Robbery even if state sanctioned is not entrepreneurship. And only entrepreneurs can create or make wealth, never bandits, whether as states or persons. Nigerians Ronu.

Jimanze Ego-Alowes (PhD) is Author and public commentator

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Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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