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Ex-President Jonathan commends resilience of Nigerians, urges commitment to peace and progress in New Year message

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FRI 01 JAN, 2021-theGBJournal- Former President Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has commended Nigerians for their patriotism and courage, despite the daunting challenges encountered in the year 2020.

The former President who stated this in his New Year goodwill message to Nigerians recognized 2020 as a difficult year and commiserated with families who lost loved ones to COVID- 19, other illnesses and circumstances, in the course of the year.

Dr. Jonathan also commended the efforts of frontline workers who he said have been working tirelessly to ensure the safety of citizens and “those who have remained committed to protecting our lives and defending our unity.”

He however urged Nigerians to continue to strive for greater honour and glory for themselves and the nation, stressing that the lessons and experience of the past year should be harnessed towards national rebirth and reconciliation.

Below are the details of the former President’s message:

 “Happy New Year Dear Compatriots and friends across the world.

 “This is the beginning of a new journey, a new chapter, a fresh opportunity to start and recover from the losses of 2020. Last year was a challenging year, characterized by tales of misfortunes, deaths and illnesses. It was a tough moment for many homes and families owing to the unfortunate COVID-19. The pandemic plagued our world with many consequences, causing hardship and other forms of insecurity.

“2020 was a year of many challenges and struggles both as individuals and as a nation.  From COVID-19 to END SARS protests, we witnessed disruptions in our cultures, economy, livelihoods and life itself. These unfortunate events should propel us to re-examine ourselves, re-evaluate our priorities and commit ourselves to new norms, new cultures and new traditions.

“The recent happenings in our world, specifically in our country Nigeria, should teach us new lessons. Lessons on faith, solidarity, justice, hope and peace. We must aggregate these lessons, challenges, gains as well as losses of this period and harness them towards national rebirth and reconciliation. As a nation, we cannot afford to fail this New Year; ignoring the existing gaps and contradictions that have continued to threaten our peace, unity and progress.

“Going forward, we should retool our disposition to imbibe new ways and embrace new traditions that would correct the faultiness in our nation and promote peace, guarantee security and hope to all our people. We must prioritise such habits that entrench accountability, justice, and peace in our systems.

“I commend all Nigerians for their patriotism and courage in the midst of daunting challenges. I salute the sacrifices of all those in the frontline working tirelessly to ensure our safety and those who have remained committed to protecting our lives and defending our unity.

“I commiserate with families who lost loved ones to COVID- 19 and other illnesses and circumstances in the year 2020.

“No matter our present realities today – whether good, bad or ugly, sweet, sour or bitter, we must continue to hope and strive for greater honour and glory for ourselves and our nation in this new year and beyond. I wish you all a Happy New Year as we journey into 2021.”

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