Home Comments EDITORAL: Killing of #EndSARS protesters is CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY


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WED, 21 OCT, 2020-theGBJournal- The Extent of the massacre across the country on Tuesday 20 October is still unknown. Various eyewitness accounts say up to 49 #EndSARS protesters were killed by trigger-happy government security agents, aided by hired hoodlums. Yes, the Federal Government in concert with some State governments hired thugs and miscreants to attack peacefully protesting and unarmed Nigerian youth all over the country. The protesters were made up of young men and women and some children as young as 5 years old.
The accurate number of people shot dead may never be known.
In all of these, mum has been the word from the President, Muhammadu Buhari. He has said nothing, seen nothing, and heard nothing. This is not an assumption. His demeanour confirms it. He is hunkered down in Aso Villa seemingly oblivious to the national peril. The buck stops on his table and his administration must be held accountable for the blood of the Nigerian youth shed prior to and now, in the course of these protests embarked upon by the youth to make the country safe for everyone.
The lethal, fatal offensive assault on the #EndSARS protesters is an assault on democratic values. It repudiates all democratic principles. It breaches the fundamental human rights enshrined and guaranteed in the Constitution that the President swore a solemn oath to uphold.  The assault unequivocally attacks all the freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution and implies that there is no freedom of anything in Nigeria as long Muhammadu Buhari is the President. It sums up how badly the President has governed the country if Nigeria is now being compared to the brutal Apartheid regime of South Africa.
Mr. President’s silence makes him an accomplice to the murder of innocent Nigerians on this black Tuesday and the days since the start of #ENDSARS Protest and prior. This government has committed a grave CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.
The President should note this sobering unhealthy and unnecessary precedent. And be reminded, that the blood of the innocent unarmed #EndSARS protesters is on you, Mr President.-
By TheGBJournal Editorial Board
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