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Delta State governor recalls his achievements as he begins a second term in office

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

WED, MAY 29 2019-theG&BJournal- ‘’Going forward, it is my earnest hope and expectation that the cooperation and partnership we experienced in the first term will continue in an even greater measure,’’ governor Ifeanyi Okowa told Delta State indigenes as he took his oath of office for his 2nd-term in the government house Asaba.

During the inauguration address at the Stephen Keshi Stadium, Asaba, the governor spoke to his joy and gratitude for the privilege and honour bestowed on him to continue as Governor for another four years.

‘’The oath of service that I just took is more than an official function or constitutional requirement; it is a covenant between us, a covenant to build a Stronger Delta in which we can freely – and confidently – pursue our dreams of prosperity and happiness in a safe and secure environment,’’ he told thousands of party fellows and dignitaries.

‘’Our progress in the four years that just elapsed is nothing short of remarkable. I do not intend to catalogue our achievements here as it is my wish and, I am sure yours too, that this inauguration be brief and devoid of long speeches,’’ Okowa while recounting what he called ‘’some crucial milestones.’’

The milestones include his achievements in wealth creation through enterprise development, roads and physical infrastructure, the Asaba airport which is now upgraded to a category 6 airport that receives international flights and housing projects which received significant attention when he created a Special Purpose Vehicle – Family Homes Funds Limited which provided a capital injection of N3.8 billion while the state government Delta State Government provided the land and other logistics for a new housing development at Issele-Azagba for public/civil servants in the State.

In the health sector, he recalled that the State was the first in the country to commence Universal Health Coverage with the establishment of the Delta State Contributory Health Commission in February 2016 and in the area of ease off doing business he established the Delta State Investment Development Agency, the body charged with formulating policies and programmes that will engender an investor-friendly climate and healthy business environment.

The governor also talked of the strides in agriculture as well as peace and security and promised to consolidate, strengthen and upscale wealth creation agenda going forward.

Top on the list of his priorities during his second tenure is the establishment of 19 new technical colleges in 19 Local Government Areas. This will bring the total number of technical colleges to 25, which is one per Local Government Area.

‘’To complement these, a fully functional vocational centre is to be established in each of the 25 LGAs while the existing polytechnics will be reformed and repositioned to become hubs for technical manpower development. Towards this end, entrepreneurial courses shall be introduced into their curriculum and made mandatory as a requirement for graduation,’’ he said.

He appealed to all, especially the youth, to be law abiding and refrain from acts inimical to the peace and stability of the State.

‘’It bears restating here that the Law to Prohibit Terrorism, Cultism and the Use of Bombs and Other Matters Connected Therewith 2016, is still very much in force, and all residents of the State should be guided accordingly.’’

‘’On our part, my deputy and I, we pledge to do our best to be deserving of your trust. We shall remain mindful of the fact that whatever we do without laying a good foundation for our youths would be ‘building blocks on quick sand.’’ twitter:@theGBJournal|email: info@govandbusinessjournal.com.ng|

Delta State Governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa (left) and the Chief Judge of Delta State, Justice Marshall Umukoro, during the Inauguration Ceremony of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, at Stephen Keshi Stadium, Asaba Delta State, PIX; BRIPIN ENARUSAI AND JIBUNOR SAMUEL
Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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