Home Metro UPDATED: COVID-19 Nigeria: Givefood.ng donates 10,000 meals in the first 24 hours

UPDATED: COVID-19 Nigeria: Givefood.ng donates 10,000 meals in the first 24 hours

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

WED, APRIL 29 2020-theG&BJournal- Givefood.ng reached a donation milestone said Tuesday which saw the coalition of the convener, partners and sponsors distribute 10,000 meals in the first 24 hours of the launch. This puts the initiative well on track to exceed its target of providing 1 million meals a week to those most in need as the government continues to work hard to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the country.
Givefood.ng is an emergency food relief platform that is raising funding to provide 1 million meals a week to those in need across Lagos, with plans to expand to other parts of Nigeria, through the generous support of coalition partners. The initiative leverages technology and existing food supply chains to dramatically scale the great work of grass-roots level community and religious organizations.  Since this crisis began volunteer organizations have been doing a great job supporting those in desperate need during these challenging times. Scaling these efforts is critical in order to move the dial as it relates to hunger alleviation.
Coalition founder Kola Masha, CEO of Babban Gona, said: We are excited by the overwhelming support we have received from Nigerians home and abroad. We would never have been able to achieve this great feat without them. As we all follow the guidelines set by health and government specialists and work towards continuing to deliver a strong coordinated response in the fight against COVID-19, I would like to encourage all well-meaning Nigerians to join us to protect our bigger family as we give food to those in need.  We cannot afford to leave them to the vices of restricted movement, especially as their source of income has been greatly impacted by these restrictions.
We have made it easy to sponsor a person from the convenience and safety of our homes. As little as N2,000 can feed one person for a whole week and you can give food to a person you know or give food to a community you care about or just give food to those in need. They will receive a token that can be redeemed for food packs at our vast network of over 100 supermarket outlets, conveniently located near them.  100% of all donations go towards feeding vulnerable people, in a location of your choice. I am confident that together we can make a difference in the lives of millions of Nigerians.
Givefood.ng has partnered with many organizations, individuals and supermarket chains to ensure that food gets to those who are in need.
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Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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