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Chartered Institute of Strategic Management and Leadership inducts first executive members and licensed practitioners

Access Pensions, Future Shaping

By Oladimeji Abidoye & Sylvester Okoh

MON, 29 AUGUST 2016– The induction of executive members and licensing of Chartered Institute of Strategic Management CISML took place on Saturday 27th of August, 2016, at the Golden Gate Restaurant, Ikoyi Lagos. Certificates were presented to the inductees by Mr. Ashiwole and Dr. Mrs Onyeka Jaivbo Ojigbo, the Vice President of the institution.

The Vice President in her welcome address note said “the induction ceremony will automatically become a tradition in the institute and will hold regionally three times in a year to admit new members and licensed practitioners into its membership”. She congratulated the bright young men and women who have successfully passed the various qualifying professional examinations of the institute and they should make good of their membership and chartered award licencing.

She further said that the inductees have decided to confront the challenges of today’s world and to take their professional career in management and leadership to the highest level, so that their voice can be heard where it matters most.

“One cannot plan without good strategy and the action to follow comes when there is strategy”. The Chairman of the event Dr John Oyetade said during his opening speech to kick off the occasion, adding that the government today need good strategic managers to move the nation forward.

Prof. Joseph Mba the Registrar-General read the keynotes of the Acting President General of CISML Dr.Hayford I. Alile (OFR). In his statement he said the event is said to activate and concretize CISML operations in Nigeria with the first professional membership induction and chartered practitioners licensing. He further disclose that management has become more encompassing and sophisticated and countless number of theories and practises have been developed and deployed to confront the highly challenging environments and daunting performance requirements.

“The evolution in management brought about the emergence of four distinct but highly over lapping management disciplines and they are: Administration, Leadership, Entrepreneurship and strategic management” he said.

In pursuit of global acceptance and recognition, CISML qualifications are now being evaluated in united Kingdom for comparison with international qualifications in UK and Europe.

The Guest Speaker of the event, Dr Lawrence Okafor, the Chief Consultant of Competitive business Service Ltd who spoke on the topic, Strategic Leadership Practise Today said leadership is the ability to influence others to voluntarily make decisions. He concluded that Nigeria need Strategic Leadership for better tomorrow.

In an interview conducted by G&Bjournal, the Registrar General of CISML, Professor Joseph Mba said ICAN, ACCA and the likes are specialized professional bodies and they are doing well but specialization has been demoted and multiple competencies have been promoted over specialization”. He said, “CISML as a champion of strategic management integrates competences, knowledge, skills, techniques that will enable members to perform in any field, so to a financial expert, CISML is important because he needs Strategic management orientation to perform; also to a human resource specialist, CISML is important. We are relevant to them and they are relevant to us. They build people up, we capture them to give them strategic orientation to make them become champions in their respective fields.”

He concluded that CISML is actually breaking boundaries and bringing people together to think in an integrated way.


Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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