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COVID-19 Nigeria update: Coronavirus explosion continues, confirmed cases and fatalities creep up again

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THUR, APRIL 23 2020-theG&BJournal- A total of 873 are now infected with the coronavirus after 91 new cases were confirmed Wednesday by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). Fatalities have also crept up to 28 in total and, 197 patients in all have been discharged.
‘’That is why the lockdown for Nigeria should go as long as 120,’’ says Dr Sylvan Ebiqwei, Consultant and Dental surgeon and regular contributor to theG&BJournal’s coronavirus watch. ‘’Inter-state travels should also be restricted but the lockdown should be with a little bit of relaxation so that some informal businesses can still hold.’’
He is projecting that at the peak of the pandemic, about one million Nigerians will be affected. ‘’Hospitals will be overwhelmed and, many will resort to herbal medicine. The bad part is that the time of the peak cannot be determined by anyone here with the current pace of testing unless Nigerians obey the rules of social distancing and stay home under the lockdown order.’’
‘’That there are no cases in a state does not mean that the state is virus free. We are at the most dangerous stage now, which is the community infection and also getting to a stage when the death count will alarm even the pessimists.’’
25 States in total have confirmed cases. Cases in Kano State-(73) is rapidly catching up the FCT(-119) a few days after the country first noticed some strange number of coronavirus related activities. Benue, Anambra, Sokoto and Adamawa states have the least count so far, just one confirmed case each. Lagos now have a total 504 confirmed coronavirus cases, more than triple the rest part of the country put together.
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Access Pensions, Future Shaping
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