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Int’l Day of the Girl Child: African Society Organizations continue to engage policy makers

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FRI, OCT 12 2018-theG&BJournal-25 Civil Society Organizations in 16 countries across Africa and from Haiti, and an international organization are tracking the vaccines, finances and legislation.

The National Coordinator for Sierra Leone Scaling Up Nutrition and Immunization civil society platform met with girls to discuss about the importance of immunization uptake

Cotonou, Douala, Kinshasa, Abidjan, Conakry, Accra, Bamako, Nouakchott, Abuja, Freetown, Kampala, Lusaka, Nairobi, Dakar, Monrovia, Port au Prince.

On the International Day of the Girl Child, 26 Civil Society Organizations from Africa and Haiti continue to demand accountability and better implementation of immunization policies on behalf of girls, and boys. This is being done through the 2nd edition of the 33 Days to Power Up Immunization initiative, which allows them to hold a debate during 33 days, on the importance of Vaccination and the essential role that vaccines such as Tetanus, Rubella and HPV play for the survival of girls.

In line with the theme of the 2018 International Day of the Gild Child – ” With Her: A Skilled GirlForce”, members of the different organizations agreed on a key message: vaccination must be one of the priority investments in girls.

« The working world today is changing rapidly, it is important to educate and professionalize girls to help them position themselves. Therefore, we need to make sure that girls, and all children in general, are up to date in their immunization schedule, because immunization has a positive impact on girls’ productivity», says Gavi Council member Clarisse Loe Loumou, representative of CSOs within GAVI.

On this day, efforts has been made to bring together and unite partners and all stakeholders around girls’ rights advocacy, and awareness of the most pressing challenges and needs they face in acquiring the skills necessary to find a qualified job.

Taking advantage of each of the key dates of the campaign which are the International Day of the Girl Child, World Polio Day and World Pneumonia Day, Civil Society Organizations will meet with policymakers to demand accountability on their commitments made with the Addis Ababa Declaration on Vaccination and the Global Vaccine Action Plan.

According to Salisu Musa Muhammad, Director of Operations and Finance at Concern Health and Research Initiative, it must be acknowledged that efforts have been made by African leaders, but much remains to be done to achieve the goals. “At the 2017 edition, we obtained a 15% allocation from Bauchi State’s health budget, and a commitment from  the state Governor to do more than that, but also to maintain this budget for 2018.  However, that’s not enough, there are so many other challenges to power up immunization in Nigeria, “he recalls.

As a result of the advocacy activities of 14 CSOs from 10 African countries, budgets dedicated to the child and maternal health in Ghana increased. To build on the 2017 “33 Days to Power Up Immunization” campaign success, it is our aim to continue to hold governments accountable to their multiple immunization commitments.

Throughout the 2nd edition of the campaign, we will track the vaccines, finances and legislation. These are three approaches which will help us stay the course for universal access to immunization.

Signed  by

  1. Bénin: Fondation Joseph The Worker
  2. Cameroun: PROVARESSC
  3. Congo: Association d’Entraide Médico Sociale
  4. Côte d’Ivoire: ONG Agis and FENOSCI
  5. Guinée: POSSAV
  6. Ghana: Concern Health Education Project and Muslim Family Counselling Services
  7. Mali: FENASCOM
  8. Mauritanie: ADFFE
  9. Nigéria: Community Health and Research Initiative, Care and Development Center, NIWAAFA, and Coalition on Vaccines, Vitamins and Immunizations for All Nigerians
  10. Sierra-Léone: Children Advocacy Forum, Focus 1000 and Pikin-to-Pikin
  11. Ouganda: Community Restoration Initiative Project
  12. Zambia: Zambia Civil Society Immunization Platform and ALEJO Community Support Project
  13. Kenya: KANCO
  14. Sénégal: Fondation AFRIVAC
  15. Liberia: Public Health Initiative and Liberia Immunization Platform
  16. Haïti: PHAREV

17: Global: CoMo

18: Niyel

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