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30th Anniversary: Okonjo-Iweala, Jim Ovia, Tony Elumelu to receive Life Achievers Award as Delta honours iconic contributors to statehood

Chairman, Central Organizing Committee for the celebration of Delta at 30, Dr. Kingsley Emu (3rd right), and other members of the committee briefing the media on activities lined up for the week -long event in Government House, Asaba, Monday. PIX: JIBUNOR SAMUEL.
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MON 23 AUG, 2021-theGBJournal- Delta State Government on Monday said it would honour illustrious Deltans who contributed immensely to the growth and development of the state as it celebrates the 30th anniversary of its creation.

Chairman of Central Organising Committee for “Delta at 30 Celebration’’, Dr Kingsley Emu, made this known at a media briefing in Asaba as part of activities of the week-long celebration of the anniversary.

Emu, who is Chief Economic Adviser to the Governor, said that Delta at 30 came with a lot of pomp and fulfillment as the state had retained its identity since being part of the defunct Mid-West and Bendel States.

He said that the state had consistently done well in sports since its creation just like in the days of Mid-West and Bendel State, adding that Delta had always been unique and significant in the comity of states.

“It is a week-long programme, starting with a Stakeholders Interactive Forum on Tuesday at the Event Centre, Asaba, while Children Talent Display will take place on Wednesday at Unity Hall, Government House, Asaba.

“There will be a Youth Variety Show also on Wednesday while an interdenominational thanksgiving service will hold on Friday at St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral, Asaba. Thereafter, a Gala and Award Night would be held at the Event Centre,” he disclosed.

According to Emu, who was flanked by some members of the committee, posthumous award would be conferred on some illustrious Deltans in recognition of their political sagacity and iconic contributions to the creation and development of the state.

He listed the award categories to include Lifetime Achievers, Posthumous, Academia and Sports.

He said that Chief Umukoro Mowoe, Chief James Otobo and Chief Dennis Osadebay were listed for posthumous award while Chief Edwin Clark, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Mr Jim Ovia and Mr Tony Elumelu among others, would receive Life Achievers Award.

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